Visiting Professor Helen Baron

The whole course (100% lectures) is available via Internet as Digital Teaching Tools.

Each Digital Teaching Tool consists of:
• a video-based lecture (Flash Player, if you do not have this software, Digital Teaching Tool offer it automatically version free of charge)
• the slides shown during the lecture (PDF format, Digital Teaching Tool offer it automatically Acrobat Reader version free of charge)
• some written material for student reading and student self-tests
• a MP3 audio version of the lecture (MP3 format)

We welcome you to the 21st century and digital epoch!


1st Lecture - The Psychology of Selection and Assessment • Purpose of selection • Relevant psychological theory • Additional theories • Good Practice in Selection • Example Person Specification • Good with people • Problems with Person Specification • Developing Criteria • Job Requirement Specification • Example Competency • Human Attributes • Contingency Theory of Action and Work Performance • Good Practice in Selection • Assessor Biases • Assessor Training • Selection Strategy • Integration Paradoxes • Monitoring and Review • Good Practice in Selection • Follow up


2nd Lecture - Methods of Assessment and Assessment Design • Examples of assessment methods • Identifying an effective assessment • Initial Sifting Tools • Evaluating a CV • Application Forms - Good Practice • Sifting – Good Practice • References • Interviews • Interviews – best practice • Cognitive Ability Tests • Examples • Personality • Measuring Personality • Examples • Assessment Centre Exercises • Work Sample • Relative Validity of different methods


3th Lecture - Developing a psychometric instrument • Situational Judgment Test • Example SJT – training session • Developing SJT items • Challenges for the SJT developer • Trial Results • Operational Test • Validation Results


4th Lecture - Selection Case Study • Role • Competency Model • Competencies • Selecting assessments • Impact & Influence • Impact & Influence - Personality • Initiative • Initiative - Personality • Building Collaborative Relationships • Building Collaborative Relationships - Personality • Conceptual Thinking • Conceptual Thinking - Personality • Self-Awareness & Resilience • Self-Awareness & Resilience - Personality • Exercises • Qualitative Outcome Monitoring • Quantitative Outcome Monitoring • Diversity Monitoring • Predicting Performance with Test Score • Impact of validity • Utility


5th Lecture - Types of test • Review of different tests – ability, personality, SJT, values, motivation, competency, EQ, Leadership style, Team types etc.
• Some insight into what is measured and how these can be relevant to HRM issues.


6th Lecture - Measurement Theory • Introduction to psychometric concepts – reliability, validity, measurement error, standardized scales


7th Lecture - Case study of test use: • Perhaps around designing a selection process for a sales role, features ability tests and personality questionnaire, SJT.
• Alternative would be some kind of development process perhaps using a 360 measure and something like team types or leadership style.


8th Lecture - Good practice and other issues • Discussion around training requirements, candidate experience, feedback, fairness, data protection, preparation, coaching, interpreting scores and reports, testing people with disabilities.